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Breaking News For Enterprises


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Where the heck is Enterprises Going?

Do you’ve any idea, How many loss-making enterprises with debt 180 percent of turnover have survived to tell the tale without a restructure? What’s next? Enterprises still are hailed as the best option to host talent. Isn’t it inspiring for the entire industry! Waves of change are coming, and we’ve to admit it.

Here’s some of them hitting the shores:

1. Application development (34%), managed services (27%), ERP implementations (22%) and cloud (20%) are the highest spending priorities for enterprises in 2015. Read Here

2. 451 Research Finds That Enterprises Are Increasing Investments In Datacenters. Read Here

3. Social enterprise is one way to work together to make a difference. Read Here

4. 81% of CEOs see mobile technologies as being strategically important for their Enterprises. Read Here

5. 55% of Enterprises Predict Cloud Computing Will Enable New Business Models In Three Years.

Stay tuned for our next email. Till then see ya!


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